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The Story of Madison and Blake…

August 6, 2010

Hi, I’m Madison Cohen, but everyone calls me Maddie.

And I’m Blake Lewis. No, I’m not the beep-boxer or whatever from American Idol.

We – me and Blake – created this blog to tell everyone who wants to know… our story, I guess?

These chapters will be told from Maddie’s P.O.V, and then mine. The chapters will happen at the exact same time, just in different P.O.V’s.

Hopefully you’ll get the gist of it soon!


XO, Maddie

Disclaimer: Madison Cohen and Blake Lewis are characters. They’re not real, except for when I write about them. This is really Cassie. I am a writer. None of this is based on real life people, and none of this happened. I made it up.

